
The mind-body connection

By Lara | November 3, 2016

The mind-body connection presented itself when we were little. Sitting in the school office with a fever waiting for mum or dad to come and pick us up.  To take take us home to our comforting bedroom.  To eat homemade soup and watch TV. It wasn’t until they arrived and said “everything’s going to be alright” —…

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Battling Social Anxiety

By Lara | October 28, 2016

Social anxiety is not an ordinary foe–it can be everywhere, all the time. Social anxiety can stop you from enjoying yourself, from establishing friendships, meeting with family members, and even stop you from going to work. It is a real issue for many people in today’s modern world. Here are several suggestions to help battle…

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Silence the negative self-talk

By Lara | October 24, 2016

Seek out the facts Negative self-talk will take a small issue, such as an extra five pounds of weight on your body’s frame, and call it out as “lost cause, fatty, etc.” This is not true. You are not defined as anything because you have five pounds to lose. Look at the facts: “I have…

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